凱旋 Triumphant Return
クロード: よう、先生。
Claude: Hey, Teach.
エーデルガルト: クロード……!
Edelgard: Claude?!
クロード: おっと、そんな警戒すんなって。勝者の余裕はどこ行った?
Claude: Settle down, will you? You're the victor, after all.
I could have escaped, but I decided to say hi to Teach. Nothing to worry about.
Derdriu has fallen and the Alliance has collapsed. There's nothing I could do to turn things around at this point.
エーデルガルト: 兵たちの目をかいくぐってここに現れる貴方を、警戒しないほうが無理よ。
Edelgard: You want me to drop my guard around someone who evaded detection by my soldiers? Impossible.
Did you really risk coming here just to say hello?
クロード: ああ、お別れを言いにな。俺はフォドラを出るよ。
Claude: I did. But mostly, I wanted to say good-bye. I'm leaving Fódlan.
Choice 1:なぜ? Why are you leaving?
Choice 2: 力を貸してくれ Lend us your strength.
クロード: 力を……あっはっはっは!流石は先生だな、嫌いじゃないよ。だが……
Claude: Lend you my... I knew I liked you, Teach!
クロード: 俺がいないほうがフォドラは平和になるんだ。そうだろ、陛下?
Claude: I daresay Fódlan would be a lot more peaceful without me around. Right, Your Majesty?
エーデルガルト: そのとおりよ。貴方が同盟にいる限り、反帝国派は貴方を担ぎ上げようとするわ。
Edelgard: It's as you say. So long as you remain here, the faction of the Alliance that is against the Empire will continue to support you.
クロード: つうわけで、俺は退散させてもらうぜ。あんたらへの恩は、別の形で返そう。
Claude: Too true. It's best if I leave this place altogether. I'll just have to find some other way to pay back my debt to you.
All I ask is that you go easy on the Alliance. After all, no one there would dare defy you.
And please, treat my former classmates well. I've asked them to cooperate with you if I lost.
エーデルガルト: 貴方……まさか、これまでの同盟の動きは、負けた時のことまで考えて……?
Edelgard: Wait... Did your scheming include a plan for if the Alliance lost?
クロード: そいつは買いかぶりってもんだ。結果としてそう見えるだけだろ。
Claude: Heh, you think too highly of me. It just seems that way now.
Outside of Derdriu, most of the Alliance is unscathed and ready to join your superior strength.
In all honesty, I was hoping to become a supreme ruler and lead Fódlan to peace myself. But...that won't be happening now.
エーデルガルト: クロード……。
Edelgard: Claude...
クロード: せいぜい頑張ってくれ、エーデルガルト。じゃ、俺はこれで。
Claude: Good luck to you, Edelgard.
エーデルガルト: ……散々に打ち破ってやったというのに、本当に食えない男ね。
Edelgard: We crushed him in battle and yet... He really is difficult to understand.
エーデルガルト: デアドラは陥落して、同盟は瓦解した。盟主も、この世を去ったわ。
Edelgard: Derdriu is ours. The Alliance has collapsed, and their leader has fallen.
Byleth: やはり殺さずとも…… Did we really have to kill him?
エーデルガルト: ……クロードが同盟にいる限り、反帝国派は彼を担ぎ上げようとする。
Edelgard: If Claude had lived, the faction of the Alliance that is against the Empire would have never stopped fighting us.
To keep the bloodshed to a minimum, he had to be taken out of the equation.
However, now that it's over, I can't help but wonder if he was in complete control of that entire situation.
What will become of the Alliance without him... He must have taken that into account.
Without the rule of House Riegan, and with most of the territory left unscathed, the Alliance will undoubtly ally itself with the Empire.
The citizen's lives will be saved from ruin, and no more blood will be shed.
Perhaps that's what he wanted from the start...
Byleth: クロードらしい That sounds like Claude.
エーデルガルト: もちろん、デアドラで彼の策にはまって私が死んでいれば……
Edelgard: Of course, if his plan here in Derdriu had worked and I had lost my life...the opposite would have come to pass.
The Empire would have rushed to the Alliance without further conflict.
No matter how the battle unfolded, Claude secured the shortest, most peaceful possible outcome.
ヒューベルト: エーデルガルト様、デアドラの接収、完了しました。
Hubert: Lady Edelgard, Derdriu is now completely under our control.
As planned, the Alliance's affairs will now be overseen by Count Bergliez.
カスパル: あれ? 親父も来てんのか?西へ東へ大忙しだな。
Caspar: My father is coming here? First west, than east... You sure keep him busy.
ヒューベルト: 我らはこのまま大修道院へと戻り、次なる……王国との戦いに備えましょう。
Hubert: Should the others return to the monastery and prepare to face the Kingdom?
エーデルガルト: ええ、ありがとう。
Edelgard: Yes. Thank you, Hubert.
Thanks to all of your efforts, our battle with the Alliance has reachs conclusion.
However, we still can't afford to be careless. We must now join the battle against the Kingdom.
With the strength of the church on their side, they will prove to be a formidable enemy.
More than ever, your support is invaluable. We'll ne in the days to come. But for now, let's enjoy our triumphant return!
カスパル: よっしゃああああ! オレ、凱旋!いっくぜえ!
Caspar: Let's get to it!
ドロテア: 戦いが終わりに近づくのは、嬉しいわねえ。ただ、激しくもなりそうなのよねえ……。
Dorothea: I'm so happy that the end of the fighting is near. Too bad there's still more violence to come...
ペトラ: 王国軍、セイロス教団、不足なしです。当たって、砕きます、粉々。
Petra: The Kingdom and the Church of Seiros are worthy for fighting. I will crush them into very small pieces!
リンハルト: 砕けます、じゃないのか。合ってるはずなのに微妙に釈然としない……
Linhardt: Crushing wouldn't yield a lot of pieces, but I guess it would get the job done.
With the Professor we can't lose...probably.
リンハルト: ま、先生がいる限り、負けはないですよ。どんな相手でもね、たぶん。
ベルナデッタ: いやー! 相手はレア様ですよ!絶対怖いですって! 怒ってますって!
Bernadetta: Oh no, are we fighting Lady Rhea? But she's scary! And she'll be really angry!
But no way she can stay in her spooky beast form all the time...right?
ドロテア: そうねえ、ずっとあの姿でいられるなら、いくらでも修道院に飛んでこられそうよね。
Dorothea: If she could, she would have come and attacked the monastery as many times as she wanted.
フェルディナント: 恐らくは、非常時に備えて取っておく必要のある力なのさ。希望的な観測だが。
Ferdinand: It may be wishful thinking, but perhaps it is a power that she can only access when the situation is dire.
But whether she is the archbishop or the Immaculate One, we cannot be stopped!
Half remains, but half is finished... We are certainly moving forward.
ヒューベルト: くく……我らの歩みを止めることなど、誰にもできませんよ。
Hubert: No one can stop us from pushing forward. No one.